Tuesday, December 10, 2024
# Posted by Jamestown on 21/11/2022 09:24Xxx
# Posted by MTS-Head Coach on 23/11/2022 22:03What is your goal to copy and past same every place on forum . I already tell if you cant handle pain bodybuilding not for you . And if are sensative with more estrogen than testosterone you cant use powerfull stuff like over 300mg per ml .MTS Support https://support.med-tech.pro
# Posted by BIGDADDY on 24/11/2022 08:52Thanks for the message.MTS Support https://support.med-tech.pro
# Posted by stevo007 on 28/05/2023 19:01I jab this this every week in sholders at 2.5mg 1500mg at once I never add no pain off it or any there gear my 2 5ml barrels full max what ever compound I'm use in normal loads different loads jabs off 2.5ml mall though my Bro cry at 1ml wimp no pain no gains don't get pain any way maybe my sholders just so solid bodybuilding all ways pain mule sore pump is pain go to feel can't go no more push through that shit different between doers and donters big man don't moan like women lol
# Posted by MTS-Head Coach on 07/06/2023 02:32The pain after injection depends on many factors like potency of product per ml , so 400mg per ml gives more pip than 200mg per ml , but also depends on sensativity of the person . some people react good to oil and solvents others not. Dont put all the problem on gear because many times is your body and system the problem .MTS Support https://support.med-tech.pro
# Posted by emperorcaliano on 15/06/2023 15:52First thing newbie with Big N Full needs to keep in mind, it’s a super concentrated product, 600mg (400+200) per ml, it is absolutely normal pip can occur
# Posted by MTS-Head Coach on 21/06/2023 11:17People want to buy more concentrated oils because they normally are cheap and also you inject less oil but they dont understand that huge concentration will cause pain in anybody , even a top pro used to inject alot every day . Is part of the game . If you want less pain go for 300mg per ml maximumMTS Support https://support.med-tech.pro
# Posted by Wolfman on 29/06/2023 18:29It is a kick ass world known LOGO!
# Posted by MTS-Head Coach on 05/07/2023 12:43Brother if you are sensative to pain after shot never use gear over 250mg per ml . You need to understand this high concentration per ml gear you will always have huge pain .MTS Support https://support.med-tech.pro
# Posted by naik_n70 on 03/12/2023 20:46amazing product very strong just PIP is not everyones cup of tea best to shoot deep into muscles like Ventro glute or shoulder.